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Empowering People, Transforming Lives

How we work
Mental health ambassador presenting

A world where people are empowered with life-changing knowledge and skills to develop and grow their wellbeing.

Our mission is to translate complex information into accessible life skills.

About us

Jamma Wellbeing has been developed through the lived experience and passion of Agneta, the Jamma Wellbeing founder and a board member.

I have experienced general anxiety for most of my life. I have also had bouts of depression. Mr Fear is often sitting on my shoulder.

I would often wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” I was desperate to find something or someone that could fix me.

It wasn’t until much later, when I stumbled on new research about how the brain works, that I started to realise that I was okay – it was actually my brain causing all this havoc.

Since then, I have read everything I can get hold of regarding how the brain works. I have also  completed a lot of different courses. All this has led to my deep understanding of how the brain creates our behaviour and reality.

Through my own personal experiences, I have developed a great interest in and passion for increasing the wellbeing of myself and others.

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Brain Smart book with cup of tea

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